Tuesday, August 30, 2016

About Abs: Rules to Six Pack Success!

What is the Truth About Abs


The truth about abs is the single most comprehensive course developed on how to achieve six pack abs. The program was put together by Mike Geary, a certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and a holder of a Bachelor of Science degree. It is unlikely that anybody on the planet has thought more about how to achieve six pack abs than Mike Geary and the results of this are shown in the course which has been refined and developed over the years to include the latest scientific findings in how we develop muscles and lose body fat. In the program you will learn such things as:

• How to eat the right carbohydrates to burn fat (great if news if you are sick of protein only diets)
• Natural replacements that are just as effective as expensive protein and other muscle building supplements
• Why common exercises like jogging, swimming and cycling will not deliver you six pack abs and what you should be doing instead

You can access the six pack abs program here:

Access Six Pack Abs Program

You Can Have Six Pack Abs!

Let’s face it, for many people the idea of developing a rippling set of six pack abs seems like an act of vanity. And frankly there is some truth to this.

When you have a flat, washboard stomach you feel great. Need a quick boost of self confidence? One look in the mirror tells yourself that you are the kind of attractive, sexy person that others find irresistible. Abs is one of the few parts of the body which when well developed are both attractive for both men and women, which is why everybody wants them!

A bulging stomach on the other hand can act as something of a repellent to the
opposite sex. The image of a beer gut, sagging over the top of a belt is an image that most of us hardly find attractive. So while having six pack abs might be both a great self confidence booster and highly attractive for the opposite sex, it is not the only reason for pursing six pack abs. A chiseled mid section is the single best indicator of overall health.

Fat accumulates on the stomach first and so if you can see your abs then you have a low level of body fat. Low body fat not only feels and looks great, it also means that you are much less likely to suffer from serious diseases such as Cancer, High Cholesterol and Heart Disease.

Finally having a washboard stomach is the modern day badge of persona fitness achievement. Even if you have the “guns” and a high level of personal fitness if you don’t have the abs then you don’t feel like you are operating at peak performance.

If you don’t have abs at the moment then the satisfaction of “winning” them can be difficult to quantify. Suffice to say it feels great. One of the big misconceptions about obtaining six pack abs is that they only belong to genetic freaks, fitness models or people who have never tasted pizza or ice cream in their life.

The truth is that everyone has six pack abs. unfortunately at the moment for most people they are slightly obscured. There is absolutely no reason why you can’t have six pack abs if you have the motivation to earn them.

As to whether or not you will never be able to enjoy your favorite treats again or that you will have to become some sort of iron man, ultramathoning competing athlete to get them, again this is not true.

Gaining six pack abs does require commitment and it does take some degree of discipline. But again it is fully achievable by anyone who is willing to follow a systematic approach to success.

In this guide we will be looking at four of the most important rules you must obey if you want to have a washboard stomach of your own.

Rule #1: It’s Not Just Diet
When many experts talk about how to build abs they tend to focus only on what to eat and what not to eat. But diet while very important is not the full picture. The other half of that equation is building muscle.

So why is it important to build muscle if you want to enjoy rapid weight loss? The answer to this is that our body needs to expend a certain amount of calories in order to maintain our muscle mass. One pound of muscle uses up approximately 50 calories just in order to maintain it.

So for example if you were to add 8 pounds of muscle to your body frame you would be burning an additional 400 calories per day even if you were to change nothing else about your diet.

You can see how building extra muscle could really speed up how quickly you
could develop six pack abs, This is also one of the reasons why starvation diets are not the most effective way of getting the stomach that you want.

You need to feed your body the right foods so that it will produce dense, hard muscle that turns your body into a calorie burning furnace!

Rule #2: Weightlifting beats Jogging
One of the most common approaches people take to losing body fat is through performing some sort of steady state exercise such as jogging, cycling or swimming.
The problem with this approach is the way that the body sources fuel. For the first twenty minutes of your steady state exercise the body will fuel itself by tapping into its stores of glycogen and fats. However after 20 minutes these ready supplies of energy will have been exhausted.

The body then looks for the nearest easily accessible source of energy which is protein. This means that if you continue with steady state exercise longer than 20 minutes you will actually be using up the building block of muscle which is protein.

As we have already seen the more muscle that you have on your body the more calories you will be burning to maintain it. This means that steady state exercise can be counter productive when it comes to losing weight.

Studies have shown that while steady state exercise burns more calories while it is being performed in comparison to muscle building exercises like weight lifting. With weight lifting your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate even after you have stopped working out.

The overall calorie expenditure from weight lifting is in fact much higher than the short term burn from steady state exercise. Also weight lifting increases your muscle mass which in turn leads to greater fat loss.

Rule #3: Eat Frequently
The common western diet based around three large meals a day could not be worse for building a chiseled midsection. If you think of your body has being like a car then when you eat one of these large meals it is like switching your car on and driving it quickly around the block. You use up a certain amount of fuel and then it is turned off.

In contrast if you eat six meals a day with a spacing of about 2 – 3 hours between
each meal it is like your car is constantly idling (and using up gas). Starvation is not the answer to seeing fat loss. You need to be feeding yourself adequately if you want your metabolism to be firing at its peak level. This means eating six small meals a day.
I say small because most westerners eat far more food than they need at each
meal in order to supply there energy needs.

Each meal should be able to fit in the palm of your hand. By feeding yourself regularly like this you will turn your body into a fat burning machine while maintain a high level of energy.

And because you are eating regularly you will find that you are far less tempted to binge on unhealthy food.

Rule #4: Protein is Essential
We have already seem that if we build muscle mass that our body needs to burn a higher proportion of calories in order to maintain that muscle mass.
However this is not the only reason why your diet needs to be high in protein if you want to rapidly develop a set of six pack abs.

When it comes to digestion not all foods are treated equally. Simple sugars like those in
candy and chocolate are very easy for the body to break down. Very little energy is used in the digestion process as a result.

When it comes to protein however the body has to do much more work to break it down. In fact protein uses up twice as much energy as carbohydrates does. Protein therefore gives a “double whammy” where you are using up more calories in the digestion process and at the same time feeding your body the building blocks of muscle which will in turn burn even more fat.

When you have a flat, washboard stomach you feel great. Need a quick boost of self confidence? One look in the mirror


BONUS eBook >>> HERE

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